Invitations | Calligraphy | Personality

When I was a kid my uncle penned these words of me: “More active than a thunderstorm, she has dimple sided grins…” Yup. Still true. Still me.

So, what do I do? ————

I design, calligraph, draw, and make messes quite efficiently. Sitting still is not one of my gifts. If it looks cool/interesting/pretty/fun, I want to try it. I once told my husband I need to stay in my lane. He said, “You don’t have a lane; you have a machete.” (Maybe my favorite quote of all time ‘cause well, yeah.)  I’m a curly headed girl with an intense love for well-lit (and warm) workspaces, vibrant colors that maybe only match to me, sharp tools, smooth inks, and all things beautiful.

While I'm pretty happy never leaving my studio, I step out often to the wonderful world of cooking, reading, butt-stomping baddies as Luigi (the best Mario bro), hanging out with church kids, and adventuring with the hubs in our vintage Jeep.

It is a grand life.  Look around and say hi. And, of course, thanks for the company.